Plane Wood
L: 70cm, W:70cm, H:140cm
Azad Gallery, Tehran, 2015
“Buffoon” primarily serves as a critique of the aristocracy. The concept originated from the idea of deconstructing an extravagantly ornamented baroque chair, symbolizing excessive luxury, to reveal its bare essence. The intention was to strip away all unnecessary elements, leaving only the essential form of the chair. However, the process of carving surpassed mere reduction, becoming an exhilarating exploration of the chair’s joints, edges, and other components. As a result, the sculpture embodies the essence of a chair, boasting a fresh identity and a distinct set of aesthetic qualities.
Through the sculpting process, the original chair’s weight of nearly fifteen kilograms significantly decreased to less than two kilograms. This transformation highlights the essence of the chair, achieving a remarkable reduction in weight while retaining its new artistic identity.